Lastly, we need to add the Sensor's Hex File, which we have downloaded and placed in the Library folder.If we change the value of TestPin from 0V to 5V then that means the obstacle is coming close.As we can't actually place an obstacle in front of this sensor in Proteus simulation, that's why I have used this TestPin.TestPin: It's solely for simulation purposes, we don't have this pin in a real IR sensor.O ( Out ): It's an analog output signal from the sensor.G ( Gnd ): We need to provide Ground here.V ( Vcc ): We need to provide +5V here.This sensor has 4 pins in total, which are:.As you can see in the above figure, I have placed both of these IR Proximity sensors in my Proteus workspace.Now simply place these IR Proximity Sensors in your Proteus workspace, as shown in the below figure:.When it comes to functionality, both sensors are exactly the same, they just have different colors.As you can see in the above figure that we have two IR Proximity sensors.If you have installed the Library successfully, then you will get similar results, as shown in the below figure:.In the component's search box, make a search for IR Proximity.After adding these library files, open your Proteus ISIS software, or restart it if it's already open.If you are unable to add a Library in Proteus 7 or 8 Professional, then you should have a look at How to add a new Library in Proteus 8.

Place these three files in the Library folder of your Proteus software.Open Proteus Library Folder, it will have 3 files, named as:.zip file, which will have two folders in it i.e. First of all, download this IR Proximity Sensor Library for Proteus, by clicking the below button:.Infrared Tracker Sensor Library for Proteus.So, let's have a look at How to download and simulate IR Proximity Sensor Library for Proteus:

They are normally used on robots for path navigation and obstacle avoidance. IR Proximity Sensors are used to detect hurdles/obstacles placed in their path. In the next few days, I will keep on sharing Proteus Libraries of different analog sensors, so if you want any sensor in Proteus, then let me know in the comments. So far, I have only shared Proteus Libraries of digital sensors but today I am sharing an analog sensor, so too excited about it. Proximity Sensors are not available in Proteus and we are sharing its Proteus library for the first time. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new IR Proximity Sensor Library for Proteus. Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great.